Posted: January 24, 2011 in Jesus Daily

HEy if you are reading this blog, we have changed web addresses, you can locate the new website at www.JESUSPOWER.TV

This is a visual of what God is after in this generation, worshipers that worship in spirit and in truth. This is how my friends and I worship God. This is what the Jesus Power USA ministry is all about…. I pray this sparks your heart to hunger for God.

I spent a few hours praying to God, listening to what He would say, repenting, etc… I took a coffee break, and the Holy Spirit released such a feeling of hope in the almighty name of Jesus to accomplish, to bring all things to fullness in CHRIST JESUS… here’s what I see when I pray…

I see a radiant army of love-sick warriors coming forth in this hour of darkness, men of God will arise. Those abandoned by their biological fathers will cling to the Father of Glory, and bare witness of His love. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn around on this day. He will will bring to shame the counsel of the wise, He will raise up a breed of believers who’ve encountered the glory of His presence, and from that place, they will preach the everlasting gospel with boldness and tears. Love is calling you, let go of bitterness and receive the father’s embrace. He makes all things new, let yesterday go to the grave, be raised with Christ in the newness of life.

I see God calling singers and musicians to sing of the wonders of His grace, to tell of the glory of His name. God is going to anoint people in the secret place with an anointing that can only be cultivated in the hidden places, it will only cooperate… with humble hearts, it is potent, it breaks the yoke of bondage off of heavy hearts. The invitation is being given across the earth, who will stand before the Lord? Who will tarry in the place of prayer, who will rend their heart and not their garment? The eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the earth, seeking to give support to those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him. Singers of the gospel, who proclaim the justice of heaven on earth and exalt the righteousness of the King of Glory, God is calling you, say yes to the one who calls, not the calling. God is calling for the worshipers to proclaim His wonders in all the earth, who will go for us? A lion has roared, who can but prophesy? This is the hour of option-less Christianity, it’s all or nothing, lose your life to find it. HE counsels you buy gold, from the sure mercies of David He will feed you. His Holy Spirit is the guarantee of the redemption

I see a generation of Godly women who live as citizens of heaven on the earth, women who are sincere, holy, pure, honest, and humble. A generation of women not bound to the materialism of our culture, who are more concerned with having beautiful hearts. Women who will raise their children in the fear of the Lord, honor and respect their husbands, women who will not be know for gossip, slander or backbiting, but Holy women, who give birth to souls in prayers, true mothers in Zion, women who walk in the fear of the Lord. I see a generation of Godly women who receive the biblical honor of womanhood, who reverence the calling to nurture. These women will bring deliverance to the many souls coming into the Kingdom of God. Women who are faithful to the bridegroom and long for His appearing.

I see a generation of leaders in the church who are filled with the heart of Jesus, who do not lead with harshness and intimidation, but take the form of servants. I see preachers of the gospel who walk in the love of Jesus, who don’t preach for pay, but who would even be willing to pay to preach. I see a return to the apostolic heart of Jesus, of Paul, of Peter, of the early church who were fed to Lions, sawn in two, beheaded for Jesus, I see a remnant, embracing this conviction that “to live is Christ, to die is Gain” a generation who will not only be willing to die for the gospel, but live for it. A generation of leaders, that see servanthood as the great pinnacle of success. A generation willing to leave the 99 and go after 1. A generation whose gaze is fixed on heaven, who are mesmerized by the beauty of Jesus. O’ God, let me be apart of this number, for it shall be so. He who declared the end from the beginning, will have a pure and spotless number, I want to be in the number, when the saints go marching in.

I see the terminology “black church” “white church” coming to an end in America, I see Believers in the son of God falling in love with His heart to redeem men from every nation, tribe, and tongue, coming together with those from various cultures, with One heart, One goal, to see the name of Jesus reach the ends of the earth. A day is coming, pastors of local church will not be intimidated by the other pastors in his city or in other denominations, but will look at the cross and realize the blood of one man, has washed us all. I see a day when the sons of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Arabia come together as the sons of Abraham, I see a day, when multi-cultural marriage will no longer be taboo, when the church of God is filled by the heart of God and thrives in apostolic power. I see day, when whole cities fall under the weight of the glory of God. I see a day, when believers in a city are known for outrageous love.

I see a day when the hope in the heart of Jesus is not seen as “optimistic” or futile, but embraced by genuine faith in the church. When the reality of the gospel, begins to rip away our pre-conceived notions about what it means to walk with God. I pray the day when the child-like faith, Jesus assures we must have is not dismissed as “immature”, but seen as THE CALLING to know God. I pray for the day, when we trust totally in His word to do just exactly what He said he would do! At this hour, the nations plot in vain, but I read that He would sit back and laugh, for the day of His vengeance is certain. He will not be denied, He will overcome the evil, it was finished on the cross, the day of His rule is guaranteed.

I see a day when the widow, the orphan, the poor, and the calling to remain un-spotted from the world is the total embrace of the church, I see a day when the victims of human trafficking, hear the song of the Lord singing over them in the midnight hours as they roam the streets of inner cities of America and the brothels abroad. I see a day when abortion clinics start closing down for lack of business as the church sees not just preaching against abortion, but stepping up to the plate to adopt babies as our responsibilities. I see a day when worship is not a time slot we fill for 45 minutes at church, but a lifestyle that fills every second of the day. I see a day when the spirit and the bride say come, with eagerness, with hope, with anticipation. As it was when Rebekah saw Isaac afar off, so we must see Jesus, though he tarries His coming, He will come again, heaven and earth shall become one. The day of justice is at hand. The fullness of His spirit is coming, shekinah glory is coming…. fill us with light father of Glory, give the church a spirit of wisdom and revelation, we say YES! Maranatha….

Back to my knees, peace- Brian M. Williams

Hebrews 2: 14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 16 For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants. 17 For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. 18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.


I’ve been very slow to post anything here on the blog lately, it’s been a CRAZY busy month or so for me. traveling, preaching, etc… but I do update my facebook page quite often. I figured, I should just add all my status updates in the past 2 weeks together to form a blog… lol enjoy~!

contemplating the love of Jesus should not cause us to feel comfortable living sinful ordinary lives. His TRUE love, should cause our hearts to burn with a jealous fury against the vices and deceptions that are enslaving our generation. The Love of God is not a mushy “pat on the back” when you blow it, it is the power of God unto salvation, not toleration.

To all the fellow men of God out there, stay away from women who flaunt themselves, are consumed with fashion, reality TV shows, gossip, and the love of money. Don’t fall into the trap. Just because they seem to love God, look at their lifestyle and prayer life.

Love abhors evil, is patient, kind, honest, and humble. God is love for these reasons, we are to be Christ like for these reasons, Jesus’ death and resurrection grants us the privilege of truly loving. Unless we know Him, we cannot truly love anyone. Giving all we have to the poor is no substitute, nor is tolerating sin. Love is a Holiness that fights against all opposition. Love like God

“God forbid that I should boast EXCEPT in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” – Galatians 6:14….turn your back on this world, follow the Son of God, let TRUE LOVE lead your life, holiness, humility, and longing for His return
At this very moment, the God who created the heavens and the earth has a thought in His mind to bless you. His purpose for our lives is rooted and grounded in unimaginable love for us. This world is in many ways an illusion, training our hearts to step into the reality of eternity. See every moment as an opportunity to… love as God does. Love mercy, do justice, fear the Lord

Lord let us never forget your cross or our own. Raise up a people who walk in the power of your resurrection, impacted in the deepest parts of our heart by your love. Teach us to number days, to pour at your feet all we deem valuable. You are the treasure we seek. What a wonder you are. Fill the church with glorious love
The savior bled and died to redeem me. Drowning in hopelessness, searching for answers, running in the dark, with no light in sight… the Son of God found me, washed me in His blood, gave me a new name, told me the truth about why I was created, and from then on my heart has been burning to see Him again. Even so, come Lord Jesus, come back to us.

A beautiful creator can only create beautiful things. God made you, you are beautiful, unique, valuable, and loved. Don’t allow this world’s definitions of beauty, and love to contaminate your heart. When you look in the mirror know that God is amazed by your beauty, because you are His, even in weakness, you are beaut…iful. Love is beautiful, love abhors sin. Freedom and beauty go hand in hand.
The oil that you need in your lamp in this hour of history cannot be found in books written by men, sermons preached by men, or sons sang by other men. Seek the Lord, tap into the wells of glory found in God’s word. His love anoints our hearts to love Him.

O’ the courage and love of God, to come in the form of a man, to a world that despises love, the vulnerability, humility, and relentless love of Jesus. You looked at my filth and saw beauty, my weakness and saw strength. Lord, by your grace, let my life reciprocate your love. He’s always with us, even to the end of the… age, the greatest love the world has ever known..

It’s better to give for eternity, than to save for retirement. Even more then money, often we “save” our time and love in the bank account of ” self” because we don’t want to “burn out”, but that shouldn’t be a problem if our source is Jesus, He never runs dry. Self preservation is worldy wisdom. Trust God He is faithful, He loves a cheerful giver, He gave His son, he reaped a family

We have more power in the place of prayer then we do in the voting booth. We cannot expect politics to handle the churches responsibility. The answer is not a Christian congressman or senator, the answer is a TRULY CHRISTIAN church, that understands spiritual authority and is committed to hastening the day of the Lord. …The return of Jesus is the hope of the world. If you voted, more power to you.
24/7 prayer is an invitation from Jesus to respond to His unfailing love toward His people. One glance of your eye toward heaven accelerates the pulse of God. We are lovesick, because He is. Prayer isn’t a duty it’s the purpose we live. Holy communion… Enter into divine romance, that’s what holiness is, unified with God through precious blood
The music of heaven will soon overtake the earth…. Embrace the move… Sing to lord all you saints….glory to your name Jesus

God is raising up an army like that of Gideon, who have trumpets and torches in their hands. Prophetic singing that releases breakthrough on the earth, ushering in the Kingdom of God.

To all the musicians and singers, holiness is the call, not better lyrics, or chord arrangements, get oil in your lamp, and burn for God! Talent doesn’t set ppl free.

God will never place a dream in your heart that is 1. impossible or 2. possible W/O Him! Jesus is not your co-pilot, HE IS THE PILOT, we are passengers. Prayer is not what causes God to move, praying the WILL/WORD OF GOD causes breakthrough. It’s all about growing in intimacy with Him. He lays before impossible dreams,… in hope we draw near. It’s not even about the dream, it’s about You and Him, in love.